The French Touch (Repeat)

    • Wednesdays, 12:00am1:00am

    A French Hour to present you French Pop Music from France, Quebec, Belgium and other French speaking countries with your host Emmanuel. A French Native, Emmanuel resides in Inverness and is live on KWMR every Friday from 4 to 5pm and Tuesday at midnight for the French listeners [Wednesday 9am].  In the seventies, Emmanuel
    hosted a similar program called Radio à la Carte for ten years on KQED radio San Francisco, and also sporadically on other stations such as KHSU,
    KCSM and KUOP to name a few..

    POP MUSIC FRIDAYS 4PM US Pacific time

    The French Touch (Repeat)
    12:00am, 2-26-2025
    12:00am, 2-19-2025